Czech manufacturer of security and door fittings
Production program Rostex Door fittings Rostex rosettes - object

rosettes - object

ALBACETE door fitting-object

ALBACETE door fitting-object

Steel brace body. Option with the square split spindle for panic mortise locks. Certification according to EN 179. Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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7200 - stainless matte
BERGAMO door fitting-object

BERGAMO door fitting-object

Steel brace body. Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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7200 - stainless matte
BOLZANO door fitting

BOLZANO door fitting

Steel brace body. Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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7200 - stainless matte
CORNO door fitting

CORNO door fitting

Steel brace body. Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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7200 - stainless matte
CORTINA door fitting

CORTINA door fitting

Steel brace body. Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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7200 - stainless matte
MILANO door fittings

MILANO door fittings

Steel brace body.Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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Class: OtherSpacing: Other
7200 - stainless matte
PALERMO door fitting

PALERMO door fitting

Steel brace body. Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel.
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7200 - stainless matte
VIGO door fitting

VIGO door fitting

Steel brace body.Classification according to EN 1906. Connecting material made of stainless steel..
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Class: OtherSpacing: Other
7200 - stainless matte
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